English Map of Czechoslovakia in 1969-1990 Russian Карта Чехословакии в 1969—1990 гг. Czech Mapa Československa v letech 1960–1990 British English Map...
English Map of Czechoslovakia in 1928-1938 Russian Карта Чехословакии в 1928—1938 гг. Czech Mapa Československa v letech 1928–1938 British English Map...
according to this external source: http://www.tcnj.edu/~guhr2/images/czechoslovakia.jpg archive copy at the Wayback Machine Secondary references with similar...
according to this external source: http://www.tcnj.edu/~guhr2/images/czechoslovakia.jpg archive copy at the Wayback Machine Secondary references with similar...
DescriptionCzechoslovakia 1939 ru.SVG Français : Carte slovaque de la Tchécoslovaquie aprés 1939 English: Slovak map of Czechoslovakia after 1939 Русский:...
png" 2011-04-10T20:05:09Z Alphathon 680x520 (568373 Bytes) Improved Serbia, Montenegro and surrounding countries using data from "File:Serbia Map.png"...
png" 2011-04-10T20:05:09Z Alphathon 680x520 (568373 Bytes) Improved Serbia, Montenegro and surrounding countries using data from "File:Serbia Map.png"...
Both JPEG and PNG formats can be loaded together. See: Discussion about JPEG and PNG format files in Russian. Discussion about JPEG and PNG format files...
WW2-Holocaust-Poland-ru.png WW2-Holocaust-Poland big legend.PNG Derivative work: User:Poeticbent (Talk) Derivative works of this file: Polska okupacja 1944.png WW2-Holocaust-Poland...
Both JPEG and PNG formats can be loaded together. See: Discussion about JPEG and PNG format files in Russian. Discussion about JPEG and PNG format files...