Hyacinth (talk) 20:25, 1 March 2010 using Sibelius 5. See: Image:Double-time rock pattern.png Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons using For the Common...
Hyacinth (talk) 20:25, 1 March 2010 using Sibelius 5. See: File:Double-time rock pattern.mid Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons using For the Common...
unidirectionally stiffened double hulls. ( ) Author McKenney, Timothy Lee. Title Grounding resistance of unidirectionally stiffened double hulls. Publisher Springfield...
Short-term movement patterns, population estimates and breeding biology of an island endemic bird, the Tristan Thrush Short-term movement patterns, population...
and dog, found in a bed of undisturbed gravel at kinleith, near Currie, Mid-Lothian ( ) Author Smith, John Alexander, 1818-1883 Royal College of Physicians...
rock garden gems / Robert Wayman. ( ) Author Robert Wayman (Firm) Title 1936 prize winners : espalier trees, poppies, peonies, hemerocallis, rock garden...
Wood pattern-making; the fundamental principles and elementary practice of the art ( ) Author Purfield, Horace Traiton Title Wood pattern-making; the...
terns (hydroprogne caspia) and double crested cormorants (nannopterum auritum) on Rice, Miller Sands, and Pillar Rock Islands of the Columbia River: 2022...
Alexandra Military Hospital in 1938 on the brink of World War II. At that time, it was the largest and best-equipped hospital in Britain’s “Far East Command”...
English: Numerical and physical modeling of reinforcement systems in jointed rock ( ) Author English: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Omaha District...