DescriptionFlag-Pays-Vannetais.png English: Flag of Vannetais (Brittany) Français : Drapeau du Vannetais (Bretagne) Brezhoneg: Banniel Bro-Gwened (Breizh)...
France. Flag-Pays-Vannetais.png SVG: historical flag of Vannetais (Bro Gwened), Brittany, France. Banniel Bro Gwened 1.0.svg SVG: historical flag of Vannetais...
svg SVG: historical flag of Vannetais (Bro Gwened), Brittany, France. Flag-Pays-Vannetais.png SVG: historical flag of Vannetais (Bro Gwened), Brittany...
France. Flag-Pays-Vannetais.png SVG: historical flag of Vannetais (Bro Gwened), Brittany, France. Banniel Bro Gwened 1.0.svg SVG: historical flag of Vannetais...