DescriptionGeographic ancestry distribution of Mexico.png English: Geographic distribution of Native American (blue), African (green) and European (red)...
Both dogs demonstrate continuity with each other and predominantly share ancestry with modern European dogs, contradicting a previously suggested Late Neolithic...
DescriptionGeographic ancestry distribution of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.png English: Geographic distribution of Native American (blue)...
DescriptionGeographic ancestry distribution of Peru.png English: Geographic distribution of Native American (blue), African (green) and European (red) ancestry based...
DescriptionGeographic ancestry distribution of Chile.png English: Geographic distribution of Native American (blue), African (green) and European (red) ancestry...
DescriptionGeographic ancestry distribution of Colombia.png English: Geographic distribution of Native American (blue), African (green) and European (red)...
DescriptionGeographic ancestry distribution of Brazil.png English: Geographic distribution of Native American (blue), African (green) and European (red)...
A guide to the exhibition galleries of the Department of geology and palaeontology, in the British museum (Natural history) ( ) Author Woodward, Henry...
Geographic ancestry distribution...
DescriptionGenetic ancestry and admixture in Latin American populations.png English: Genetic ancestry and admixture in Latin American populations. The ancestry contributions...