Gotihawa near Kudan, the ancient site of Kapilbastu district. Gotihawa is identified as the holy place where Krakuchhanda Buddha was born, attained enlightenment...
Gotihawa near Kudan, the ancient site of Kapilbastu district. Gotihawa is identified as the holy place where Krakuchhanda Buddha was born, attained enlightenment...
Gotihawa near Kudan, the ancient site of Kapilbastu district. Gotihawa is identified as the holy place where Krakuchhanda Buddha was born, attained enlightenment...
Gotihawa near Kudan, the ancient site of Kapibvastu district. Gotihawa is identified as the holy place where Krakuchhanda Buddha was born, attained enlightenment...
Gotihawa near Kudan, the ancient site of Kapilbastu district. Gotihawa is identified as the holy place where Krakuchhanda Buddha was born, attained enlightenment...