DescriptionHammond Slides Unlabeled 68.jpg English: These images were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his trip to the Soviet Union. The box of images...
DescriptionUnlabeled Box Moscow Hammond Slides 68.jpg English: These photos were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his trip to the Soviet Union. The photos...
DescriptionHammond Slides Central Asia Unlabeled 68.jpg English: These photos were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his trip to Central Asia in the Soviet...
DescriptionHammond Slides Moscow Unlabeled 04.jpg English: These images were found in an unlabeled box of photos taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his...
DescriptionUnlabeled Box Moscow Hammond Slides 40.jpg English: These photos were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his trip to the Soviet Union. The photos...
DescriptionHammond Slides Central Asia 68.jpg English: These photos were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his trip to the Soviet Union. The photos are...
school, 1964 25.jpg English: These photos were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his trip to the Soviet Union. The photos are unlabeled, so the specific...
DescriptionHammond Slides MGU Soccer.jpg English: These files are unlabeled, but they were taken by Thomas T. Hammond during his travels in the Soviet...
DescriptionUnidentified People 1975 Hammond Slides.jpg English: While the image is unlabeled, it features a group of people talking. The photo was taken...
DescriptionStreet Scene Pyatigorsk-Stavropol Region.jpg English: The image is unlabeled, so the specific location and date are unknown but these images...