Cropped image from Image:Ocean_currents_1943.jpg and improved contrast with GIMP's curves tool. Image:Peru current.jpg: original contrast. English applies...
Cropped image from Image:Ocean_currents_1943.jpg Image:Humboldt current.jpg: with improved contrast English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America...
English German Alexander von Humboldt determination method or standard: SHA-1...
Buildings Survey From Humboldt Times Collection - Copy of 1902 Photograph SOUTHWEST ELEVATION - Carson House, Eureka, Humboldt County, CA HABS CAL,12-EUR...
English Baron Wilhelm von Humboldt - medallion, Sèvres Manufactory, Alexandre Brachard (MET, 64.186.8) determination method or standard: SHA-1...
English Meridians and baselines of California Humboldt Mt. Diablo San Bernardino...
English Baron Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) – painting by Julius Schrader (MET, 89.20) determination method or standard: SHA-1...
Redwood cones of both the previous year (brown) and current year (green) 27 September 2019 at Humboldt State University. author name string: Cbarlow Wikimedia...
English Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) – painting by German Painter (MET, 15.43.307)...
English described at URL: operator: Royal Collection...