DescriptionIreland 1914 (Craig).png English: en:Ireland national football team (1882–1950), 1914. Back (l-r): Val Harris, Fred McKee, Davy Rollo, Patrick...
DescriptionIreland 1914 (Seymour).png English: en:Ireland national football team (1882–1950), 1914. Back (l-r): Val Harris, Fred McKee, Davy Rollo, Patrick...
under the WEARS SHORTER and turned completely over in view (Concluded on png* «.> Another dispatch to The Times is a subject of keen of the greatly startled...
DescriptionIreland 1914 (Rollo).png English: en:Ireland national football team (1882–1950), 1914. Back (l-r): Val Harris, Fred McKee, Davy Rollo, Patrick...
DescriptionIreland 1914 (Harris).png English: en:Ireland national football team (1882–1950), 1914. Back (l-r): [official], Val Harris, Fred McKee, Davy...
DescriptionIreland 1914 (McConnell).png English: en:Ireland national football team (1882–1950), 1914. Back (l-r): Val Harris, Fred McKee, Davy Rollo,...
DescriptionIreland 1914 (Young-1).png English: en:Ireland national football team (1882–1950), 1914. Back (l-r): Val Harris, Fred McKee, Davy Rollo, Patrick...
physicians to-day express fears of the worst. IRISH TROOPS REPULSED BAND OF RAIDERS TO-DAY Mullingar, Ireland. March 24.— Irregulars early to-day attacked...
assem bly. Assem tos avenue for th e w inter. The Mills RANDALL IS COM PNG W EST blym an P re n d erg ast of R edlands was FATALLY IN JU R E D AS RESULT...