DescriptionIsrael putnam portrait (cropped).jpg English: Israel putnam portrait Date Created: 1864 May 12. Source Library of Congress Author Fabronius...
Israel Dodge, 1740-1822. Oil portrait, by James Frothingham (page 130 crop).jpg...
Israel W. Morris Edward Greene Malbone (page 243 crop).jpg...
(Lago de Texcoco) December 1855 map from Harper's New Monthly Magazine Volume 12 December 1855 to May 1856 (IA harpersnew12harper) (page 34 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Emily Louisa Gerry (cropped).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Roxbury magazine 1899 - Gilbert Stuart in Roxbury (page 28 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Pinckney Webster Ellsworth (page 36 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Rev. Richard Abbey D.D. 1805-1891 (page 150 crop).jpg....
Dr .Francis Le Baron (page 59 crop).jpg...