English Immortal Poet - painting by Kano Shoun (MET, 14.140.8) determination method or standard: Metropolitan Museum of Art Tagging Initiative determination...
jpg 7 Inset F http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/Divisions /Operations/Branches/MultiProject/Water Mgt/Images/Maps/120403-A-CE999-235.jpg 8 Inset...
197 77 140 77 6 104 27 431 52 92 46 — — 1 191 4 12 2 — 1 — 19 jc. 19 27 15 — — 1 62 Summa 251 321 157 8 121 42 900...
KoitJpg. bepaaldzi;nde„ dat tn; den < 4». 20 Kwart tonnen zeep, zot der eenig teeken, aangenaaid: in der. ochtend van den 3-ien Augustus jl., met een...
found to apply to other groui^s of birdSf THE TRUE PHEASANTS. b. ^ With a broad white ring round the (species 8, pp. 22 necly 24), B, General colour...
VENDUTIE io. Aangekomen Vreemdelingen. van den 14 tot en met den 16den April 1858. HOTEL DES INDES. F. D Brantscn, van Onrust. Steijn Parvé, van dito...
Description German ornithologist, pharmacist and writer Date of birth/death 14 January 1833 29 September 1899 Location of birth/death Biały Bór Berlin ...
9^. b. S5ic ©aaracnfiipfel. JL illandfia lingulata. 'Lin. Gen.428. Spec.j.p.g, SBdc^)l inS)Jartmique.2)ce9« ttifll fogto§al$tic Sfbbilbung. Jacquin...
is preceded by a full-page engraved ill. by Franco, as well as by Turchi's 8-line argomento in verse, the latter within one of four engraved borders by...
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