of Chapel of St Francis Xavier in Coloane Village, Macau. Picture taken by slleong on Dec 2, 2007. {{location|Macau}} (Import from wikitravel.org/shared)...
(WT-shared) Slleong[dead link] 770×1027 (109109 bytes) Rua Caetano of Coloane Village, Macau. {{location|Macau}} (Import from wikitravel.org/shared) English...
com/people/46274125@N00 operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2051971111/ determination method or standard: SHA-1...
https://www.flickr.com/people/46274125@N00 operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2051973505/ determination method: SHA-1...
com/people/46274125@N00 operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2052759250/ determination method or standard: SHA-1...
com/people/46274125@N00 operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2051977943/ determination method or standard: SHA-1...
com/people/46274125@N00 operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2052762780/ determination method or standard: SHA-1...
com/people/46274125@N00 operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2051970053/ determination method or standard: SHA-1...
com/people/46274125@N00 author name string: yeowatzup operator: Flickr described at URL: https://www.flickr.com/photos/yeowatzup/2052761544/ determination method: SHA-1...
United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United States determination method or standard: SHA-1...