DescriptionMarienburg Pergola.JPG Beschreibung:Pergola der Marienburg Quelle:eigenes Bild Autor:F.Lang Datum:16.September 2004 Date 13 August 2004 (according...
DescriptionPergola Marienburg.JPG Beschreibung:Pergola Marienburg Leutesdorf Quelle:eigenes Bild Datum: 16.September 2004 Autor:F.Lang Buildings in Rhineland-Palatinate...
DescriptionMarienburg Thal Pergola 02.jpg Stairs through the pergola in the park of the Marienburg, Thal, Canton St Gallen. The park is included in the...
DescriptionMarienburg Thal Pergola 01.jpg Stairs through the pergola in the park of the Marienburg, Thal, Canton St Gallen. The park is included in the...