DescriptionMillennium of Russia 2.6.jpg "Тысячелетие Руси" (деталь) Образование Российской империи (1721 год): Пётр I в порфире, увенчанного лавровым венком...
English Novgorod. Engraving. The Ceremonial of the Millennium of Russia. 1862. Russian Новгород. Гравюра. Церемониал Тысячелетия России. 1862 г....
Новгороде, 1862г. English Splint collage. In memory of the Millennium of Russia in 1862. Russian Лубок-коллаж. В память Тысячелетия России 1862 года....
English 2- Casting form. Stone. 1st millennium BC. Russian 2- Форма литейная. Камень. І тыс. до н.э. determination method or standard: SHA-1...
English 8.Pins. Bronze. Late 2nd - 1st millennium BC Russian 8. Булавки. Бронза. Конец II - I тыс. до н.э. determination method or standard: SHA-1...
English 3- Zoomorphic head of the wand. Stone. 1st millennium BC Russian 3- Зооморфное навершие жезла. Камень. І тыс. до н.э. determination method or...
English 1- The top of a staff in the form of a human head. Bronze. 2nd-1st millennium BC. Russian 1- Навершие жезла в виде головы человека. Бронза. II-I...
[[User:Flickr upload bot|Flickr upload bot]] File:Millennium_Gate_ATL.jpg licensed with Cc-by-sa-2.0 2011-09-23T00:37:44Z Flickr upload bot 2848x4272...
applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United States determination method...
landscape of the Salzkammergut, Austria began in prehistoric times, with the salt deposits being exploited as early as the 2nd millennium B.C. determination...