[[Wikipedia:File_Upload_Wizard|File Upload Wizard]] English Map of the Ottoman Empire at its greatest extent, 1683 AD Swedish Karta över Osmanska riket under...
Reworked version of File:Ottoman_Empire_declaration_of_war_during_WWI.png by Lindi44 (talk) Original-Description: (Uploaded by User:Kemalist) Fotowerkstatt...
(Turkish).png Türkçe: 1683'te Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Date 23 December 2020 Source https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dosya:OttomanEmpireMain.png Author Huluxsi...
to [[:en:Commons:Main Page|Wikimedia Commons]].) 2009-07-29T22:59:43Z Sfan00 IMG (Talk | contribs) (304 bytes) (adding {{ShouldBePNG}} using...
Vilayet of Kosovo within Ottoman Empire from 1875 to 1878. Main reference: Created according to historical map from this book: Petrit Imami, Srbi i Albanci...
English The main Ottoman army led by the Grand Vizier advancing to Sofia in May 1788...
1635 1635 ru 1648 Polish-Russian war 1654-1667 1658 1660 Fief of the Ottoman Empire 1672-1676 1686 1701 1764 1772 1773-1789 1789-1792 Polish-Russian war...
org/docs/macque/map3.gif http://remmm.revues.org/docannexe/image/305/img-1-small480.png http://www.cairn.info/loadimg.php?FILE=GMCC/GMCC_202/GMCC_202_0113/fullG...
rulers and regional empires to exercise their own influence whenever they chose to do so. Oil-rich Iran, with the stature of an empire on the other hand...
org/docs/macque/map3.gif http://remmm.revues.org/docannexe/image/305/img-1-small480.png http://www.cairn.info/loadimg.php?FILE=GMCC/GMCC_202/GMCC_202_0113/fullG...