described in the book : "How To Write A Book About The Mandelbrot Set" by Claude Heiland-Allen This image show part of parameter plane of complex quadratic...
sh # angle or external parameter ray angle=63/33554432 # info from program Mandel by Wolf Jung # The angle 63/33554432...
The corresponding parameter rays are landing at the root of a satellite component of period 8. It is bifurcating from period 4. draw_external_ray(image...
main cardioid landing point of above ray = bifurcation point = root point of component with period 34 pair of external rays landin on the root point Root...
aproximated by external rays that land on alfa fixed point. In RaysArray there are description of these rays. // array of turns FillRaysArray(iterMax);...
compute and draw external rays landing on the fixed point alfa \n"); ComputeRays( rays, iPeriodChild, iterMax); SaveArray2PGMFile( rays,...
sector is it. Color = number of sector Interior target set should be all inside Julia set ( of course not counting external rays that cross it and exterior...
z^2 + c parameter c = 0.2606874359562527 , 0.0022716846399296 c is a root point between hyperbolic components of period 1 and 30 of Mandelbrot set combinatorial...
sets, z is the variable and c is a constant. Therefore df[n+1](z)/dz = 2*f[n]*f'[n] -- you don't add 1. For the Mandelbrot set on the parameter plane...
z^2 + c parameter c = 0.2606874359562527 , 0.0022716846399296 c is a root point between hyperbolic components of period 1 and 30 of Mandelbrot set combinatorial...