DescriptionPupillary light reflex.jpg English: Three-quarter views of an Asian male human eye, taken consecutively in well lit (left) and dim (right) environments...
Description1509 Pupillary Reflex Pathways.jpg English: Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site.
DescriptionPupillaryLightReflexNeuralPathway.jpg English: Schematic diagram of pupillary light reflex neural pathway, showing 8 neural segments, 4 of which...
DescriptionIpRGC PLR.jpg English: Inputs and outputs to ipRGCs involved in the pupillary light reflex. Date 26 September 2016 Source https://www.ncbi.nlm...
DescriptionHalogenlight.JPG 日本語: 医療用ペンライト(ハロゲンランプ) English: A medical halogen penlight to observe Pupillary light reflex and Pharynx Date 2 March 2013...
Description1508 Autonomic Control of Pupil Size.jpg English: Illustration from Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site.
diagnosis lies between PLATE IV. Text Appearing After Image: PATHS OF THE PUPILLARY REFLEX. (Baas. The green line connecting the Corpora Bigemina Anterior and...
is then apt todevelop. Loss of the consensual light reflex is one of the earliestsigns of this pupillary change (Weiler). The sympathetic dilatation ofthe...
impulses. CEREBRAL NERVES. 173 The pupillary reflex consists in a contraction of the pupil in response to theentrance of light. The reaction is exhibited by...
border of theanterior corpus will cause a bilateral reflex pupillary rigidity withretention of pupillary activity for accommodation, convergence andpsychical...