DescriptionSeals of the royal house of Portugal 05.jpg English: Seals Portugal, illustration from Antonio Caetano de Sousa, História genealogica da Casa...
the royal house of Portugal 04.jpg (items XIX and XX - Afonso III) File:Seals of the royal house of Portugal 05.jpg (item XXIII - Dinis I) File:Seals...
lesser-seals. Source : File:Seals of the royal house of Portugal 05.jpg (Item XXII - Dinis I) File:Seals of the royal house of Portugal 08.jpg (Items...
A Narrative of the Briton’s Voyage to Pitcairn’s Island; including an Interesting Sketch of the Present State of the Brazils and of Spanish South America...
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Date 12 November 2014, 21:51:05 Source Author Antonio Caetano de Sousa...
jpg English: Seal of John I of Portugal Date 21 December 2014, 20:05:31 Source