English: Josef Blösche during Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (Poland) - Photo from Jürgen Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943. Depicted people Josef Blösche...
214 107 180 2766 1964 Golda Stavarowski 2202 176 183 259 2766 1964 Josef Blösche 1573 602 346 387 2766 1964 Possible identities: Artur Dab Siemiatek...
is a derivative work of the following images: File:Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06b.jpg licensed with PD-Polish, PD-US-alien property, PD-anon-70-EU...
Jürgen Stroop 97 53 329 389 2075 1465 Stroop bodyguard? The same soldier seems to be present in many images from Warsaw Ghetto Uprising featuring Stroop. He...
is a derivative work of the following images: File:Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06b.jpg licensed with PD-Polish, PD-US-alien property, PD-anon-70-EU...
Stroop's adiutant Karl Kaleske or Erich Steidtmann . The same soldier seems to be present in most images from Warsaw Ghetto Uprising featuring Stroop...
Stroop's adiutant Karl Kaleske or Erich Steidtmann . The same soldier seems to be present in most images from Warsaw Ghetto Uprising featuring Stroop...
807 244 165 222 1868 1289 Jürgen Stroop 1519 272 193 200 1868 1289 Josef Blösche Also visible on right in this famous photograph: 3 6 473 439 1868 1289...
214 107 180 2766 1964 Golda Stavarowski 2202 176 183 259 2766 1964 Josef Blösche 1573 602 346 387 2766 1964 Possible identities: Artur Dab Siemiatek...
807 244 165 222 1868 1289 Jürgen Stroop 1519 272 193 200 1868 1289 Josef Blösche 3 6 473 439 1868 1289 Nowolipie 66 Same location as 1407 606 232 244...