English The ideal of religion. A lecture by Farrington, Silas (1876)...
English Religion: its place in human culture. A lecture delivered in Freemasons' Hall, Edinburgh, on Sunday, May 18, 1873...
English The religion of Jesus: its modern difficulties and its original simplicity. A course of Sunday evening lectures by Picton, J. Allanson (James...
English Christianity: fourth part. The future of Christianity, being a lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, St George's, Langham Place...
English The victories of science in its warfare with superstitions: a lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, on Sunday afternoon, 20th February...
English The birth and growth of myth, and its survival in folk-lore, legend and dogma. A lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society on Sunday...
modern education, or: the use and misuse of the Bible in the schoolroom, being two lectures delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, March 26th and...
English Common source of error in seeing and believing : a lecture delivered before the Sunday Lecture Society, St. George's Hall, Langham Place, on Sunday...
English On the causes of atheism: a lecture delivered at Bristol, on February 7, 1871 by Newman, Francis William [1805-1897] determination method or standard:...