description page was here. All following user names refer to fr.wikipedia. 2004-09-20 14:40 Jblndl 1251×895× (412115 bytes) William MacKinley en campagne...
Restoration by me. English Polish Plakat kampanijny przedstawiający Williama McKinleya trzymającego amerykańską flagę i stojącego na złotej monecie „zdrowego...
DescriptionMcKinley Prosperity (cropped).jpg English: Campaign poster showing William McKinley holding U.S. flag and standing on gold coin "sound money"...
Kept (cropped).jpg English: A 1900 Republican campaign poster for the US presidential election, with portraits of President William McKinley and Vice Presidential...
Have Been Kept.jpg English: A 1900 Republican campaign poster for the US presidential election, with portraits of President William McKinley and Vice Presidential...