front page of the last issue of the Agrarian Thought magazine from 1940 Serbian Naslovna strana poslednjeg broja časopisa Agrarna misao iz 1940. godine...
English The front page of the magazine Agrarian Thought from 1938. Serbian Naslovna strana časopisa Agrarna misao iz 1938. godine....
English The front page of the magazine Agrarian Thought from 1936. Serbian Naslovna strana časopisa Agrarna misao iz 1936. godine....
English Assembly of the Agrarian Thought Society in Belgrade. Serbian Skupština društva Agrarna misao u Beogradu. determination method or standard: SHA-1...
three leaves, which can be seen in the photo. Serbian Zastava Društva Agrarna misao, prikazane su obe strane. Znak ovog društva bila je detelina sa tri...
English A session of the Agrarian Thought Society. Serbian Sednica društva Agrarna misao....
visited Belgrade, together with the Agrarian Thought Society Serbian Jedan deo delegata iz Slovenije u poseti Beogradu, na skupu sa društvom Agrarna misao...