10 Resultatene funnet for "Fil:Chief_Gall.png".

Fil:Chief Gall.png

DescriptionChief Gall.png Very rare and important, original, 1880’s Photograph of Native American Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux Chief Gall taken by D. F. Barry...

Fil:English Javanese vocabulary (1920).pdf

i&k i#. ENGLISH JAVANESE VOCABULARY By D. (late W. EGNER Chief of Head Office H. A. P. M.) / Published by the HOLLANDSCH^AMERIKAANSCHE...

Fil:Medical Heritage Library (IA commupon14swie).pdf

foon as ever is well to this that a has a it » De generat. animal, png. 366, 367- Se6l. 13 1 Of difficult Deliveries. 1. 17 from the egg-fhell...

Fil:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait341879roya).pdf

Tsong-Li (13) Sien-Seng (14) Sien-Hong (15) : * The five priests O-tek-te, Png-tai-ang, Chhoa tek-tiong, Ma-Chiauhin and Li-sek-khai, who escaped from the...

Fil:First annual report of the trustees and superintendent of the Ohio Asylum for the Education of Idiotic and Imbecile Youth, to the fifty-third general assembly for the year 1857 (IA b30318348).pdf

curious, the being, who was constantly throwing away his clothes and endeavorI png to escape, even by the windows, and then left him to wander, neglected, under...

Fil:The tale of the basyn and the frere and the boy. Two early tales of magic printed from manuscripts preserved in the Public Library of the University of Cambridge (IA b22023884).pdf

p tiere* (BoP fforffenP / quoP tpe ffrepre 'El) at p0 an eupll tint) png. <Bp0./quoP tljegoP man/ lip (Bopps gca0. Cpe ffrepre crepeP / otot a tip...

Fil:Meliadus de Leonnoys. Ou present volume sont contenus les nobles faictz d'armes du vaillant roy Meliadus de Leonnoys- ensemble plusieurs autres nobles proesses de chevalerie (IA meliadusdeleonnoysoupre).pdf

Racelot.cha.c.olip. Ecoinment le ror melia8uo mift Bozo de pris ( coment Png napn Bint au rop Artus fait ſon meſſire Lac qui eſtoit empriſonne ou chas...

Fil:Habit and intelligence- a series of essays on the laws of life and mind (IA b28107755).pdf

Monsti’ous races. Con- cliaracter. .... Otter-sheep, Bnll-dog, and Png-dog 161 162 162 ............ ............. ............ Independent...

Fil:The record of the Class of '94, Central High School (IA recordofclassof900phil).pdf

An,th6 whining ich°°l-bV with his-fatcAl, And -ihining m°rning focG, cre<png liKMncu! Unwillingly i° 1ch°°l, Record of the Class. Leo Gabe Bernheimer...

Fil:The National Era (IA 539c8383-5d16-4436-97a2-e3d28301bb72).pdf

more iudi„ r—- „ .. four; Rab, grim and comic, willing to be hap- 0010 -png, and did not need it. He laid hefiflown House w is packed from pit to dome...