DescriptionChina Economic Sector.svg English: Map of Chinese economic regions, based on File:China blank province map.svg. Intended to supersede...
en: The economic regions of Mainland China covered under the strategies promulgated by the Central People's Government. zh-Hans: 中国大陆地区的四大经济板块,按中央人民政府所提出的发展策略划分。...
Heilongjiang, Anhui, and Hebei - all provinces with large agricultural sectors and low economic growth. Though this map is confined to the period 1985-1990, some...
accuracy and verifiability. The usage of these maps in India, Pakistan and China are governed by different laws that restrict depictions of boundaries other...
agricultural sector remains the Soviet Union's greatest economic problem. Sown crops occupy ten percent of the total land area. The agricultural sector is organized...
been superseded by U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan, March 13, 2020.svg. It is recommended to use the other file. Please note that deleting superseded...
available|new image name}}. It is recommended to name the SVG file “Economic sectors and income.svg”—then the template Vector version available (or Vva) does...
This file has an extracted image: Formation periods of the most important coal deposits worldwide.svg....
Intraseasonal Balance Sheets for Grains.’ 10 FdS-271, NOVEMBER 1978 PTAom ‘svg penaqsuod eq jou eTqeL ptTnoys pue sivek pue ‘aka ‘uzod ‘sjzeo ‘wnysios...
"Y — NAVSTA NORTH ISLAND ~1 EMfflOIKNttLr V 2C SAN DIEGO R£l'S0lS SVGS NAS NAS rtl -— PQRT.tfPj! LEM00RE SJP?L — ^s« - v®m AS0P8 1 --...