Source: pt wikipedia [1] Location of Santa Cruz (Madeira) Image created by Jorge Candeias, July 2004, based on a map produced by António Martins English...
WP:PT — LocalSantaCruzDasFlores.png [SOURCE] 01:10, 12 Julho 2004 . . Jorge (4315 bytes) (Localização de Santa Cruz das Flores) English...
WP:PT — LocalSantaCruzdaGraciosa.png [SOURCE] 01:09, 12 Julho 2004 . . Jorge (4292 bytes) (Localização de Santa Cruz da Graciosa) English...
INFORMATION --> |Used_for= |Owner= City of Santa Cruz |Website= |History= |Commentary= The City of Santa Cruz is local municipality |}...
SluggerBugger (Talk | contribs) (City of Santa Cruz logo for fair use and open to public access. 2007-02-27T00:55:45Z SluggerBugger...
truetrue English The Walkers is a rock band formed by Fine Arts students in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, known for fusing artistic elements in their music, reflecting...
Vista a la ciudad de Cartagena de Indias desde el Convento de Santa Cruz de la Popa.png Autor: Dasha Shishkova CC-By-Sa 4.0 Finalista Wikivacaciones...
a potentially threatening volcano due to its proximity to the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, shown in this image as the purple and white area on the lower...
DescriptionLocalSantaCruzDasFlores.PNG Location of the Portuguese municipality of Santa Cruz das Flores within the Azores archipelago. Made by Afonso...
DescriptionLocalSantaCruzDaGraciosa.PNG Location of the Portuguese municipality of Santa Cruz da Graciosa within the Azores archipelago. Made by Afonso...