German offizielles PlayStation-Logo French logo de PlayStation Russian Логотип PlayStation. Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography) official PlayStation logo...
Standard Moroccan Tamazight Logo de la videoconsola Playstation 4 Uyghur (Arabic script) Offizielles Logo der PlayStation 4 Urdu Official PlayStation 4 logo...
File:PlayStation 3 Logo neu-white.svg English Russian [[:Файл:PlayStation 3 logo (2009).svg Arabic [[:Файл:PlayStation 3 logo (2009).svg determination...
rationale |Description= Official logo of the [[PlayStation 2]]. |Source= [] |Portion= Image shown in...
official logo of the PlayStation 3 from 2006 until 2009. Spanish Logo original de la PS3 desde 2006 hasta 2009 Russian Официальный логотип для PlayStation 3...
|Beschreibung = Logo |Quelle = |Urheber = unknown |Datum = |Genehmigung = {{Bild-LogoSH}} |Andere...
English official PlayStation lettering German offizieller PlayStation-Schriftzug...
English Logo for the PlayStation 5 Japanese 「プレイステーション5」のロゴ。 French Logo officiel de la console de jeu vidéo ''PlayStation 5''. of: PlayStation 5 determination...
2013-02-21 06:11:57 StG1990 (2487 Bytes) {{Information |Beschreibung = Logo der [[PlayStation 4]] |Quelle =