derivative work of the following images: File:French_Algeria_1934-1955_administrative_map-fr.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, FAL 2012-10-03T07:33:11Z...
derivative work of the following images: File:French Algeria 1934-1955 administrative map-fr.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, FAL 2012-10-03T07:33:11Z...
work of the following images: File:French_Algeria_evolution_1830-1962_map-fr.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0, FAL 2012-09-29T18:57:51Z Sémhur...
administrative, de 1905 à 1955 (le titre du fichier est erroné). Trois départements au nord: Alger, Constantine, Oran. Quatre territoires du sud: Aïn-Sefra, Ghardaïa...