392 86 44 1400 902 sign: "Groceries" 1099 322 109 40 1400 902 sign: "Elephant Store" 1019 611 70 61 1400 902 Partially furled awning saying, "Groceries"...
599 164 68 32 768 478 sign: "Elephant Store" 644 209 56 25 768 478 sign: "groceries" English...
English: 1st Ave., Seattle, 1878 ( ) Photographer Peterson and Bros. Title English: 1st Ave., Seattle, 1878 Description English: Looking north from...
574 194 96 78 768 587 Elephant Store 584 162 79 35 768 587 Fire Engine House 677 113 60 106 768 587 Methodist Episcopal Church ("The White Church") 6 106...
determined by GLAM institution and stated at its website object named as: 1878 reference URL: https://dp.la/item/8b34e01d71128b76a5bf5f3f9d3e9919 publisher:...
standard: determined by GLAM institution and stated at its website collection: Seattle Public Library reference URL: https://dp.la/item/4dd602ffc42c8c9e3d548a5b5ffb3439...