DescriptionAtmospheric Transmission-ru.svg Русский: Прозрачность атмосферы Земли в видимом и инфракрасном диапазонах (поглощение и рассеивание): 1. Интенсивность...
of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: English Transmission spectrum of the Earth's atmosphere Czech Absorpční spektrum atmosféry...
Climate, Springer ISBN: 0883187124. [edit] .svg: English .svg French .svg Macedonian .svg Russian .svg Korean .svg .png: English .png French .png Polish .png...
org/web/20011207153734/ English: Atmospheric windows in the infrared
English Transmission spectrum of the Earth's atmosphere in the visible range, near, middle, and long infrared ranges. determination method or standard:...
DescriptionAtmospheric Microwave Transmittance at Mauna Kea (simulated)-ru.svg English: Plot of the zenith atmospheric transmission on the summit of Mauna...
6W + e where 2A a = s sin ' yP, b (0)A, . b \ sin M 2A b = sVg P, p V = aco (since yPw(0)A, >> 2A Kp g) b b s w^ aoo b M V . ...