|Description={{en|Straits named Belt or Sund in denmark and southern Baltic Sea}}{{de|Belte und Sunde in Dänemark und der südlichen Ostsee}} |Source=http://www...
(Google maps) Author Ulamm 13:42, 26 January 2008 (UTC) Other versions Derivative works of this file: Baltic Sea Coast SH.png Image:Belte_inter.png...
of merchant vessels over 100 gross tonnes, which are self-propelled and sea-going, regardless of classification. Before the time, only those vessels...
Phone 1* lepresontectree of the Phoenix Pire Assurance Co . Lti, of London. Png. OUT. AND RUN-D)OWN FEELING Fh»r»‘ le nothing hotter then WHITE'S BE EM'...
of seven nation* her rnlnnteef erwUer* in the lied Sea TZIRD cntZriN HttXfHtRD. |0 raid the coast towns of J span, cap in hi* private cabin, and then...
The coat j fmm Victoria »r by secAiriug tuuuIul' - C«lli*e. On the first" png* of tlm first " New Zealand. <»f au< h a machine f. o. h . saya Mr. right*...
r«»a.i along the XVset Csbat of room off!cere of It. M. H. Hxvlftra'pe i png x ktlms of al*ohollsm. spent that h* c<mld *car«**ly stun l. After lh«* x...
his efforts to secure con the*Unlted States to action.” trol of fhe Baltic coast. The latest The paper says that the “submission news indicates that'-...
DescriptionJylland Fjorder SH Förden.png English: Eastern coast of the Cimbrian Peninsula: Fjords of Schleswig-Holstein and eastern Jylland. All land shown...