DescriptionChinese number one.jpg English: A book about didactic of maths in a mixed class environment Italiano: Un libro sulla didattica della matematica...
483 456 566 8192 The Masjid al-Haram in Mecca 83 5056 442 414 566 8192 The sanctuary in Medina English Chinese scroll with the text of surat al-Hajj...
Gogh-Csillagos Éj Simplified Chinese 梵·高——星月夜 Hindi तारों वाली रात (१८८९) Javanese ꦢꦭꦸꦏꦁꦭꦸꦩꦶꦤ꧀ꦠꦁ (Dalu kang Lumintang) Chinese (China) The Starry Night (1887)...
background from showing through (d) exported as one JPG/8bit 'sRGB' image. [8] Adobe Photoshop: (a) imported stacked JPG/8bit image, allowing conversion to colour...
Weather, circa 1830. Spanish (formal address) Publicado Por Nishimuraya Yohachi Traditional Chinese 凱風快晴 object of statement has role: ukiyo-e artist...
Derivative works of this file: Along the River banner.jpg 清院本清明上河圖局部之二男以擔鬪擊.jpg English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
Polish Antyrosyjska mapa satyryczna stworzona przez japońskiego studenta na Uniwersytecie Keio podczas wojny rosyjsko-japońskiej Chinese (Taiwan) 日俄戰爭形勢圖...
بعد حوالي 29.000 كيلومتر عن سطح الأرض Simplified Chinese 由NASA(美国国家航空航天局)拍摄的地球卫星图像 Traditional Chinese “蓝色大理石”是第一张地球全景照片,是1972年阿波罗17号宇航员在飞往月球的途中拍摄的。 Telugu...
Kiew, Ukraine Turkish Aziz Andreas Kilisesi, Kiev, Ukrayna Chinese (China) 乌克兰基辅的圣安德鲁教堂 Chinese 乌克兰基辅的圣安德鲁教堂 French Église Saint-André de Kiev, Ukraine Ukrainian...
dans la Région des nations, nationalités et peuples du Sud [wikipedia] Chinese (Taiwan) 哈默斯人是生活在埃塞俄比亞西南部的東非人,居住在奧莫河谷以東的肥沃地區。 Ukrainian Вашаре з племені...