phase of Stardust's Jan 2, 2004 flyby of comet Wild 2. It is a distant side view of the roughly spherical comet nucleus. One hemisphere is in sunlight and...
Original Caption Released with Image: Red/cyan stereo anaglyph (of comet Wild 2). Image Credit: NASA/JPL
DescriptionWild2 3.jpg English: Core of comet 81P/Wild. Several large depressed regions can be seen. Comet Wild 2 is about five kilometers (3.1 miles)...
DescriptionWild2 3 (cropped).jpg English: Core of comet 81P/Wild. Several large depressed regions can be seen. Comet Wild 2 is about five kilometers (3...
DescriptionWild2 3 (cropped-square).jpg English: Core of comet 81P/Wild. Several large depressed regions can be seen. Comet Wild 2 is about five kilometers...