10 "Ficheiro:Episcopal_Shield.gif".

Ficheiro:Episcopal Shield.gif

  Shield of The Episcopal Church (of the USA), TEC, www.anglican.ecusa.org, 10/07/06, TEC, Shield of The Episcopal Church (TEC), is a Cross of St. George...

Ficheiro:The master masons to the crown of Scotland and their works (IA gri 33125006017285).pdf

first cum to the said four men and thai sail examyn him gif he be sufficient or nocht and gif he beis admittit he sail lay downe to the reparatioun of...

Ficheiro:University of Michigan. 1837-1887. The semi-centennial celebration of the organization of the University of Michigan, June 26-30, 1887 (IA universityofmichigan00michrich).pdf

T LI P BR AR V OF TIIK \@T UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIF^T Received Accessions No. V _ <3 OF" S L ___^/^_tL*:S 2 ^C~t) , 188...

Ficheiro:A catalogue of a large and valuable collection of gold, silver and copper coins and medals, the property of the late Theodore W. Riley ... (12-01-1879) (IA catalogueoflarge00coga 2).pdf

Same 1878. Another Shilling. A R. right. Also Sixpence each angle. gif Head 1787 Shilling. 390 inscription. Head Shillings. Equally R. to...

Ficheiro:A catalogue of a large and valuable collection of gold, silver and copper coins and medals, the property of the late Theodore W. Riley ... (12-01-1879) (IA catalogueoflarge00coga 0).pdf

right. R. Lion holding a shield. f.xS 165 R. Crowned shield. Greece. of 1827 Crown of Car Felix of Sardinia, &c. shield. Go King impression Very...

Ficheiro:THE UNIVERSITY OF LITERATURE VOLUME XVII (IA universityoflite005324mbp).pdf

a wife, round the ingle-edge young sprouts are it's Yea, When rife. Gif Pm sae happy, I To hear their little shall hae delight plaints, and...

Ficheiro:A manual of costume as illustrated by monumental brasses (IA manualofcostumea00drui 0).pdf

helm examples — brasses cyclas Sir Sir II., Sir brasses Sir Sir GifFard Sir chausses coutes rerebraces spurs sollerets illieres Transitional...

Ficheiro:Glendale Daily Press 1923-11-29 (IA cgl 002276).pdf

steel. Since that time feels that the Fairview tract <; »endaic it placeis Gif the work has been crowding for­ is just the place for her. i-; the first...

Ficheiro:THE UNIVERSITY OF LITERATURE VOLUME XVII (IA universityoflite017421mbp).pdf

a wife, round the ingle-edge young sprouts are it's Yea, When rife. Gif Pm sae happy, I To hear their little shall hae delight plaints, and...

Ficheiro:The death of death; or, A study of God's holiness in connection with the existence of evil, in so far as intelligent and responsible beings are concerned (IA deathofdeathorst00patt).pdf

Tabernacles we Build They Must Come Down The Mourning over their Fall The Precious Gif c If we will not Learn the Lesson, What Then ? Earthly Parentage the Type...