DescriptionExpected heterozygosity of Mlabri.png English: Heterozygosity in 17 populations. Expected heterozygosity for SNPs (HSe) were calculated based...
likelihood tree of 17 populations including Mlabri.png English: Maximum likelihood tree of populations and components. (A): Maximum likelihood tree of 17 populations...
DescriptionNeighbor-Joining tree of Mlabri and others based on allele sharing distance.png English: Relationships among 446 individuals reconstructed...
DescriptionPopulation structure of Mlabri and others (inferred by STRUCTURE and frappe).png English: Estimated population structure inferred by (A) software...
plot for 446 individuals representing 15 populations including Mlabri.png English: Plot of Principal Components for 446 individuals representing 15 populations...
on the map indicated sampling locations of Mlabri (MA). Red dots on the map indicated sampling locations of other populations. For population IDs, see...