Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 truetrue English Flag of the Ukrainian People's Republic of Soviets (1917–18) Ukrainian Прапор УРНР (1918-1922) French Drapeau de...
to “File:Flag of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic (1953–1991), Flag of Tajikistan (1991–1992).svg” or another more suitable name for the following...
Flag map of Kirghiz SSR (1952-1991).svg English Flag of the Kirghiz Soviet Socialist Republic (1952–1991), Flag of Kyrgyzstan (31 August 1991–3 March 1992)...
of the Soviet Union.svg и Image:Flag-lithuanian-ssr.png English: Flag of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, based on Image:Flag of the Soviet Union...
to the flags of the Ukrainian SSR. Derivative works of this file: Flag map of Ukrainian SSR (1949–1991).svg English Flag of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist...
English The flag of the Belgorod People's Republic Ukrainian Прапор Білгородської Народної Республіки Russian Флаг вымышленной Белгородской Народной Республики...
tag is also applicable to the flags of the Kazakh SSR. English Flag of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic (1953–1991), Flag of Kazakhstan (16 December...
populaire de Lougansk Ukrainian Прапор самопроголошеної Луганської Народної Республики Simple English Flag of the Luhansk People's Republic Yiddish פאן די לוהאנסקער...
org/licenses/by-sa/3.0CC BY-SA 3.0 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 truetrue English Flag of Ukrainian People's Republic of The Soviets...
English Flag of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic (1973–1991), Flag of Turkmenistan (27 October 1991–19 February 1992)...