"Portrait de jeune femme" Artist "French School, 18th Century" Title "Portrait de jeune femme" Date turn of the 17/18th century Medium oil on canvas medium...
history Provenance: Auction: 13 March 1994 [2] (auctioned as "Portrait de jeune femme au manteau bleu avec son chien , 1730" by the Studio d’Alexis-Simon...
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history Provenance: Auction: 25 June 2002 (auctioned as "Portrait de jeune femme" by the French School (17)) [1] Auction: Cambi, Genova, 15 June 2022, Old...
Author French School, 18th Century, Follower Pierre Mignard Description Portrait de jeune femme Auction: Apr 09, 2021 Date late 17th or early 18th century...
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