DescriptionGdow Chapel Altar.jpg English: Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and painting (Mother Mary comforting...
‘Free Poland’, at the Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (beneath rising Polish Eagle sculpture dated 1844 - two years before Battle of Gdów) URL: https://commons...
DescriptionGdow Chapel Kusionowicz.jpg English: 'Kusionowicz Panel' beneath Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and...
DescriptionGdow Chapel Inspiration.jpg English: Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and painting (Mother Mary comforting...
DescriptionGdów Cemetery 103 - Chapel Interior I.jpg English: Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and painting (Mother...
DescriptionGdów Cemetery 112 - Chapel Interior IV.jpg English: Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and painting (Mother...
DescriptionGdów Cemetery 111 - Chapel Interior III.jpg English: Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and painting (Mother...
DescriptionGdów Cemetery 110 - Chapel Interior II.jpg English: Gdów Cemetery Chapel Altar (1844), with sculpture (rising Polish Eagle) and painting (Mother...
DescriptionGdow Church - Kosciol 17.jpg English: Chapel and Altar of St Onufry in the Church at the site of the Parish of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin...