DescriptionGreek alphabet variants.png Ancient epichoric variants of the Greek alphabet from Euboea, Ionia, Athens and Corinth Date 8 August 2006 Source...
Author BishkekRocks Permission (Reusing this file) Veröffentlicht unter GNU-FDL Other versions Englischsprachige Version Image:Greek_alphabet_variants.png...
Published under GNU-FDL Other versions Duitstalige versie Image:Griechisches_Alphabet_Varianten.png;Engelstalige versie Image:Greek_alphabet_variants.png...
the letter ta or tra of the Brahmi alphabet with 1 betore (to the right of) it. The two hundred is only a variant of the symbol for hundred, with two...
DescriptionCretanEpichoricAlphabets.png English: Cretan Epichoric alphabetical variants Date June 2009 Source Own work Author Davius Permission (Reusing...
"Abraxas"/"Abrasax", and "Sabaoth" in a slightly strange representation of the Greek alphabet. Source:Nordisk familjebok (1904) vol.1 p.58 [1] Español: Detalle de...