DescriptionGreek alphabet zeta.png Fra engelsk Wikipedia Date 3 November 2006 (original upload date) Source No machine-readable source provided. Own work...
0/PDMCreative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse English The Ionic letter Zeta, Greek Ζ, ζ, from Athanasius Kircher's 1697 book Turris Babel determination...
11.2 Greek and symbols There is a way of marking up Greek characters and special symbols, as the following table shows. Markup of Greek alphabet and some...
English German Omikron, 15. Buchstabe d. griechischen Alphabets, Groß- u. Kleinschreibung URL: Wikimedia...
$0123456789$\\ $abcdefghijklm$\\ $nopqrstuvwxyz$\\ $\alpha\beta\gamma\delta\epsilon\zeta\eta\theta\iota\kappa\lambda\mu\nu$\\ $\xi o\pi\rho\sigma\tau\upsilon\phi\chi\psi\omega$\\...
png English: Illustration from 1908 Chambers's Twentieth Century. Z, the twenty-sixth and last letter in our alphabet, is derived through the Greek zeta...