DescriptionJerusalem from mt olives.jpg English: Jerusalem Old City from Mount of Olives. Deutsch: Altstadt Jerusalems vom Ölberg gesehen. Date 29 March...
133 5000 2767 Sourasky Tower, the Mt. Scopus campus, the Hebrew University 2114 927 137 63 5000 2767 the BYU Jerusalem Center 2246 961 249 78 5000 2767...
City of Jerusalem (Israel) with El Aqsa Mosque and Dome of the rock on Temple Mount as seen from Mt. of Olives}}{{de|Altstadt von Jerusalem (Israel)...
refer to en.wikipedia. 2006-11-29 15:21 Beivushtang 3237×750× (802753 bytes) Jerusalem from Mt. Olives ~~~~ English...
DescriptionJerusalem and Mount of Olives 1849.jpg English: Jerusalem with the Mount of Olives in the background 1849 Date 1849 Source The Holy City. Historical...
1784 1205 the Mt. of Olives Jewish Cemetery 889 524 847 285 1784 1205 the southern city wall 1438 218 231 134 1784 1205 the Jerusalem Panorama Hotel...
Church in the Augusta Victoria complex 561 906 2525 331 3120 2202 the Mt. of Olives, incl. at-Tur 2813 935 205 205 3120 2202 the Russian Ascension Convent...
109 4632 3148 the Seven Arches Hotel 1802 1397 1201 492 4632 3148 the Mt. of Olives Jewish Cemetery 3199 1759 1426 543 4632 3148 Silwan English object of...
Mosque 2881 372 138 112 3396 2464 the Jerusalem Panorama Hotel, Ras al-Amud 1979 377 600 202 3396 2464 the Mt. of Olives Jewish Cemetery English determination...
DescriptionJerusalem from Mt olives 1912.jpg English: Jerualem 1912 Date 1912 Source camera crusade through the Holy Land C. Scribner's Sons New York...