English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States...
an extracted image: Bookplate from "ELON COLLEGE LIBRARY" North Carolina - Phi Psi Cli (electronic resource) (IA phipsicli1981elon) (page 2 crop).jpg....
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United States determination...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method: work of the federal government of the United States...
English applies to jurisdiction: United States of America determination method or standard: work of the federal government of the United States determination...