"Retjos Jichancas" in 1919 - The Monticola (IA monticola1919west) (page 200 crop).jpg...
Will Rogers art - The Film Daily, Jan-Jun 1932 (page 1149 crop).jpg...
North Packing and Provision Company 1896 ad - from, Arlington City Directory (IA arlingtoncitydir1896arli) (page 216 crop).jpg...
Mary Nichols Auchmuty (page 131 crop).jpg...
file has an extracted image: Daughters of the American Revolution art, Catalogue of the loan exhibition (IA catalogueofloane00daug) (page 1 crop).jpg....
Col. William Bradford Whiting (page 342 crop).jpg...
English A *.jpg image of the opening image in a pdf version of a book titled "A manual of English literature, and of the history of the English language...
Institution Libraries, "Given in memory of Elisha Hanson by Letitia Armistead Hanson" from - National Geographic Magazine, vol 31 (1917) (page 2 crop).jpg....