Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (5) ( ) Title Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (5) Description The...
Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (2) ( ) Title Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (2) Description Purports...
Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (1) ( ) Title Narrative of the Battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (1) Description The...
Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (3) ( ) Title Narrative of the battles of Drumclog, and Bothwell Bridge (3) Description Purports...
The history of Scotland from the earliest period to the regency of the Earl of Moray ... with notes, and a continuation to the recognition of American...
PD-1923Public domain in the United States//;_an_autobiography_(IA_jamesnasmythengi00nasmiala).pdf...
Narrative of Mr. James Nimmo written for his own satisfaction to keep in some remembrance the Lord's way dealing and kindness towards him, 1645-1709 (...
number jstor-25100081 Source Internet Archive identifier: jstor-25100081 IA contributor: JSTOR...
Galloway and the Covenanters; or, The struggle for religious liberty in the south-west of Scotland ( ) Author Morton, Alexander S Title Galloway and the Covenanters;...
recordings.PD-1923Public domain in the United States//,_a_life-sketch_(IA_lairdoflaglifesk00fergrich).pdf...