Niagara River downstream of the Niagara Falls, Ontario, Kanada. Foto selbst gemacht. English determination method or standard: SHA-1...
Formosa map in 1902 Encyclopædia Britannica - Volume 34 - Maps (page 195 crop).jpg...
This file has an extracted image: Coat of arms of Dublin, 1832 (IA jstor-30003732) (page 1 crop).jpg....
This file has an extracted image: Beatrice Humphrey 1907 (page 37 crop).jpg....
Florida Lottery – §24.105(10), Florida Statutes (2018) Space Florida – §331.305(4), Florida Statutes (2018) Water management districts – §373.608(1), Florida...
This file has an extracted image: Anne Thaxter Eaton (page 26 crop).jpg....
River boats, or Harlem Railway,or Hudson River Railway to Athens, Albany, or Troy;thence by New-York Central Railway to Suspension Bridgeor Niagara Falls...