DescriptionNormal Distribution CDF Diagram.svg English: A diagram to show what is listed in a standardised table of the normal distribution CDF, Φ(Z). Date...
\def\cdf(#1)(#2)(#3){0.5*(1+(erf((#1-#2)/(sqrt(#3*2)))))}% % to be used: \cdf(x)(mean)(variance) \DeclareMathOperator{\CDF}{cdf} \pgfplotsset{...
DescriptionNormal Distribution Far-Right CDF Diagram.svg English: A diagram to show what is listed in a standardised table of the far-right tail normal distribution...
DescriptionNormal Distribution CDF Diagram (z≤0).svg English: A diagram of the Probability Content between –∞ and z in the Standardised Normal Distribution Z~N(0...