DescriptionNubia spanish.png Map of Nubia (in Spanish) Date 18 May 2006 Source Nubia_today.pgn Author Alfanje Other versions Nubia_blank...
Iletevopygia Schoeniclus 49 49 49 4'.l TABT.K OF GKNERA ATJH SrilOFNERA. Png.. 2639. 2640. 2641. 2642. 2643. Erounetos Eurinorhvnclius 2644. Calidris...
^^H ^^K^^tmM^^^^M^^U ^^^^^1 ^^^^^1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^HBHK^^Ii ^HHI png ^^^p-^^.^vc^j^ T^!Jtf^|jjj^iifc|j^|*;^iSi^^ ipjy^l ^^^^^s P^^^H ^^H p^^^...
Corruption and negligence of the clergy lead to conversions to Islam.—Nubia: relations with Muhammadan powers : gradual decay of the Christian faith...
military officer, in which will be found Tofino's maps and charts of Spain and Spanish America, and other valuable atlas[s]es ... [02/18/1820] Description...
he gjiijied a step. In the piece called “ the Giant Agrapardo,*King of Nubia, worse than his late brothej, Angulafer,” Shakespeare was entrusted with...
Nubia-es.svg English: The Christian Nubian kingdoms. Source This file was derived from: Christian Nubia.png , This file was derived from: MapaDeNubia-es...
refugium existed on the border of present-day Sudan and Egypt, near Lake Nubia, until the onset of a humid phase around 8500 BC, occurring during the Mesolithic...
DescriptionKush-591aC.png Kush, reinado de Aspelta (Campaña de Psamético II) Source Own work Author Quijav...
the "Book of all kingdoms" (C. 1350).png English: This is the flag of the kingdom of Makuria according to the Spanish "Book of Knowledge of All Kingdoms"...