DescriptionOil Balance India.svg English: Oil balance for this country. This is meant to supersede old "ELM" graphs uploaded in 2008 by Jonathan Callahan...
org/wiki/File:Telescope_mark.svg Page 8 “Nefertiti” mark by Mule Design, public domain File:Nefertiti_mark.svg “Shaka” mark by...
DescriptionCoal Balance India.svg English: Production, consumption, net imports and exports of coal for this country . Note that imports/exports are simply...
to 1925-26, annual 1824-25 to l§2$-27, Cont'd THEi-WO'iCLD SUG'R: _Xra;./J Country Average 1909-10 to 1913-14 Average 1921-22 to 1925-26...
version available|new image name}}. It is recommended to name the SVG file “Oil Balance.svg”—then the template Vector version available (or Vva) does not...
Machine. 3 ' 0 O 0 D <° O □ □ -.v. JTTU! \£d p —tTOia" s\\V\\\^svg| >1 o r f is o 3 274 REPORT OF THE 53943—C. F. Bartling—Loom. 53947—J...
claims should be made on the carriers immediately. INSTB UC TIONS AND SVG GJESTIONS. ^Direct Box 1215, all letters to PHOENIX NURSERY COMPANY,...
A e '" c d v SAR + i n o AR Di % t (8SP) I.r ATrd iJR A1AMEiSVgR 8,V 14X ARP4D Div Aec% D~ii V (9)) The capabilities of the American...
International Energy Agency (IEA), 2004. Energy Balances of OECD Countries (2003 Edition) and Energy Balances of non-OECD Countries (2003 Edition). Population...
cMng^-tang^-chung^ iEra'4' cheng'^-tang^-nien^ CHfiNG* cu£ng* CH'tiNO* [39] chSvg*yin*-hian} tsheregnlarterritorialniMndar ins with square seals. cheng^-yueh^...