Penny-worth of wit (3) ( ) Title Penny-worth of wit (3) Description Consisting of choice sayings and whimsical incidents, suited to promote cheerfulness...
Penny-worth of wit's garland (3) ( ) Title Penny-worth of wit's garland (3) Description In three parts. Part I. - Showing how a merchant was deluded...
Penny-worth of wit (5) ( ) Title Penny-worth of wit (5) Description In three parts. Part I. Shewing how a merchant was deluded from his lady by a harlot...
Penny-worth of wit's garland (1) ( ) Title Penny-worth of wit's garland (1) Description In three parts. Part I. - Showing how a merchant was deluded...
Thomas d'Urfey: Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy ( ) Author author QS:P50,Q2145838 Title Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy Volume...
Penny-worth of wit (1828) - title.png English: A Penny-worth of wit (1828) - title image Date 1828 Source
Groat's worth of wit for a penny ( ) Title Groat's worth of wit for a penny Description 1st, Treating of love and speedy marriage. 2d, Fortune telling...
worth of wit for a penny, or, The interpretation of dreams, moles, &c. (1) ( ) Title Groat's worth of wit for a penny, or, The interpretation of dreams...
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