(57638 Bytes) *Quelle: [[commons:Image:July_9_2005_-_The_Lahore_Fort-Sideview_of_Naulakha_pavillion.jpg]] *modifiziert von [[Benutzer:Drill]] English...
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau. Wöchentliche Berichte über die Fortschritte auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Jg. 2, No. 6, 1887 (title page).jpg....
"Retjos Jichancas" in 1919 - The Monticola (IA monticola1919west) (page 200 crop).jpg...
Confederate Military History - 1899 - Volume 3 (page 14 crop).jpg...
Company ad from Baldwin's and Merchants' Goldsboro North Carolina City Directory (1936) - DPLA - 248817bc5d0a35c100b2eeaff692477b (page 274 crop).jpg....
"The Bandit's Baby" ad from Exhibitor's Trade Review (weekly, May 30, 1925 to August 29, 1925) (page 48 crop).jpg...
record of Indiana men and women who died in the service of the United States and the allied nations (IA goldstarhonorrol00indirich) (page 14 crop).jpg....
self·cc-zero Cross-laminated timber (detail).jpg Райн Александр Дмитриевич self·cc-by-sa-4.0, GFDL·migration=redundant Weatherworn plywood table 3.jpg W.carter...
disturbedonly by occasional picket-firing. The Federal corps of Gen. Hooker had crossed the An-tietam in the afternoon, and were bivouacking in front ofour lines...