DescriptionSteed India cropped.jpg Steed Date 18 February 2008, 11:03 Source Steed Author Karunakar Rayker from India...
v-< . JS®*r; :-v4Bp?f JS; ■,. ttiv4& '>’ -fSQKiTeni* ,.. - /.. 1-|Mw\rl''jpgNI * *- * . *-*■'** 1 -"« v- 22500152517 ■ Digitized by the Internet...
file has an extracted image: Charles Morden Collett - Mundys Pen and pencil sketches, A Tour In India. Vol-002 (IA dli.venugopal.411) (page 1 crop).jpg....
file has an extracted image: Portrait of Prince P. A. Soltykoff, page 125 Thirty-eight years in India - Tayler (IA cu31924021024843) (page 154 crop).jpg....
Hindu Mythology, Vedic and Purānic (page 8 crop).jpg...
Buddha and the Lame Kid in Footfalls of Indian History (page 59 crop).jpg...
Monograph on Buddha Sakyamuni's birth-place (page 47 crop).jpg...
A Rajput Lady in The Modern Review Vol 15 (January to June 1914) (page 490 crop).jpg...
Marbled paper, from- Hudibras - Volume 2 (Butler, Nash, Bohn; 1859) (page 1 crop).jpg...
extracted image: Department of State Library book stamp on November 28, 1892- Warriors of the Crescent (IA warriorsofcresce00adam) (page 10 crop).jpg....