PROGRESS OF FEMALE EDUCATION IN INDIA. TO THE EDITOR OF THE TIMES. Sir,—In these days, when the women of England and Scotland succeed in gaining distinctions...
English front page of the Financial Times for Monday, 13 February 1888...
Hall of Record, L.A. Times, Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 2nd St. Victor Clothing in Crocker Bldg., Pig 'n Whistle in Copp Bldg., 1888 City Hall at far right...
equivalent to about $20,000 in 2019 dollars. English John Jacob Lindauer (1840-1888) in The New York Times of New York City, New York on 20 January 1881...
for instance the New York Times renewed at least one article published on January 9, 1927. If you find any contrary evidence, or the renewal database...
Grove]] originally from ''Punch'', 15 December 1888, reproduced in and scanned from ''The Musical Times'', Vol. 38, No. 657 (November 1897), pp. 739-742...
Alike 4.0 truetrue English In Elizabethan times a favourite spot for archery contests. Edward Lear 1812-1888 born and lived nearby in Bowman's Lodge Wikimedia...
Alike 4.0 truetrue English n Elizabethan times a favourite spot for archery contests. Edward Lear 1812-1888 born and lived nearby in Bowman's Lodge Wikimedia...
Ambrose Shea (1815-1905) English Captain Charles F. Kinner (1829-1899) in the New York Times on May 21, 1888 determination method or standard: SHA-1...
Alike 4.0 truetrue English In Elizabethan times a favourite spot for archery contests. Edward Lear 1812-1888 born and lived nearby in Bowman's Lodge Wikimedia...